Wow! We did it!
On the Saturday before Thanksgiving we staged a massive sorting of gifts and food for 64 families in need at Schriever and Peterson Air Force Bases and the Air Force Academy. 
Thanks to all Rotarians and friends who shopped for the gift wish lists of the families -- 110 children included! Thanks to the members of the Rotary Clubs of North Colorado Springs, East Colorado Springs, Castle Rock High Noon and the now-disbanded InterQuest club. This project took a village!
And thanks to volunteers Friday (shopping at Park Meadows Costco) and Saturday (sorting at an American Legion Hall in Colorado Springs):
Josh, Gary, Bob B., Mike and Katherine Dow, Don, Patty.
And of course ED! Ed, our esteemed president and Champion of this $10,500 project.  It's a good thing he isn't paid by the hour. 
And then there were the First Sergeants. We had about 20 First Sergeants looking out for the people they lead. These men and women were the muscle. About 1,000 pounds of potatoes. About 1,000 pounds of turkeys. Not to mention canned goods and heavy gifts like the child car seat one family needed. And, boy, were they fast. All that food went into boxes and got carted out to SUVs for delivery to the families. 
Wow! We did it!